The Foundation of the NLA is proud to partner with dietitians certified as Lipid Specialists to provide free nutrition counseling services to patients in California, Florida, and South Carolina.

A Lipid Specialist is a healthcare professional certified by the Accreditation Council for Clinical Lipidology (ACCL) for specializing in the diagnosis and management of dyslipidemia and related metabolic disorders which may lead to heart disease and other illnesses.

If you are 18 years of age or older, currently reside in California, Florida, or South Carolina, and have an annual household income of less than $120,000, you are eligible to apply for financial assistance to receive up to 4 hours of nutrition counseling. As part of the application process, you will be required to submit a letter of endorsement from your physician. This endorsement letter is provided in lieu of collecting personal health information.

Application Process

What is the deadline?

There is no deadline to apply. The Foundation will review all applications as they are received and will select up to 10 applicants.

When will I find out if my application was approved?

You will receive notice of approval or decline within 30 days of submission.

What happens after my application is approved?

You will be provided with a list of Lipid Specialist Dietitians in our network by email. You can then contact the dietitian of your choosing to schedule a consult appointment and confirm scheduling with the Foundation by email.

Your dietitian will approve of your appointment(s) and handle billing directly with the Foundation.

After completion of services, we will ask that you complete a survey to provide us with information that will help us improve upon our services.

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