The Lasting Legacy of Dr. Donald Hunninghake

Awarded at the NLA Scientific Sessions – the preeminent lipidology educational event of the year – the Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) Abstract Award is a tribute to the lasting achievements of Dr. Hunninghake.

His dedication to the early study of dyslipidemia management as a means of reducing the burden of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and therapeutic interventions for high-risk patients led to the creation of the Heart Disease Prevention Center at the University of Minnesota, one of the nation’s leading centers in conducting clinical trials of new drugs for the control of elevated cholesterol levels.

Published accounts of Dr. Hunninghake’s work can be found here:

Pharmacologic Therapy for the Hyperlipidemic Patient

A dose-ranging study of a new, once‐daily, dual‐component drug product containing niacin extended‐release and lovastatin

Lipid-Lowering Drugs

The Donald Hunninghake, MD, Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) Abstract Award

Honoring Outstanding Achievements in Familial Hypercholesterolemia Research

Each year, the Foundation of the National Lipid Association awards special recognition to superior clinical research in the field of lipidology and rare and genetic disorders.

Among the most prominent of these honors is the Donald Hunninghake, MD, Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) Abstract Award, which recognizes the best abstract submitted in the area of FH research aimed at earlier identification and improved care of patients with FH.

Award-Winner Recognition

  • The winner will be honored at the National Lipid Association’s (NLA) 2020 Scientific Sessions with an award plaque, a travel stipend of $1,000 to attend the meeting, and a monetary award in the amount of $1,500.
  • The winning abstract will be presented in the e-Poster hall at the NLA’s 2020 Scientific Sessions and designated as the Hunninghake FH Abstract Award Winner.

Award Eligibility Requirements

  • The abstract applicant must be a citizen of the United States or Canada.
  • The abstract applicant must be one of the leads of the study and the lead author of the abstract.
  • The applicant must be registered to attend the NLA’s 2020 Scientific Sessions in Chicago on June 4 – 7, 2020 to present their abstract and receive their award.
  • The abstract submission window opens on October 31, 2019. All submissions must be made online to the NLA by August 26, 2020.

Submitted Abstracts Review and Publication Details

  • All abstracts are screened by a designated Abstract Review Committee composed of key experts and thought leaders of the NLA and accepted by the Journal of Clinical Lipidology for publication in the NLA Scientific Sessions online edition.
  • If accepted for publication, a committee of Foundation of the NLA board members will review the submissions that were accepted into the NLA abstract program and select the best submitted abstract specifically in the area of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) research.

For additional information, please send your inquiry to